

HTML Deprecated Tags


Tag Description Alternate
<applet> Deprecated. Specifies an applet <object>
<basefont> Deprecated. Specifies a base font  
<center> Deprecated. Specifies centered text text-align
<dir> Deprecated. Specifies a directory list  
<embed> Deprecated. Embeds an application in a document <object>
<font> Deprecated. Specifies text font, size, and color font-family, font-size
<isindex> Deprecated. Specifies a single-line input field  
<listing> Deprecated. Specifies listing of items <pre>
<menu> Deprecated. Specifies a menu list  
<plaintext> Deprecated. Specifies plaintext <pre>
<s> Deprecated. Specifies strikethrough text text-decoration
<strike> Deprecated. Specifies strikethrough text text-decoration
<u> Deprecated. Specifies underlined text text-decoration
<xmp> Deprecated. Specifies preformatted text <pre>


Tag Description Alternate
align Specifies positioning of an element text-align , float & vertical-align
alink Specify the color of an active link or selected link active
background Specifies background image background-image
bgcolor Specifies background color background-color
border Specifies a border width of any element border-width
clear Indicates how the browser should display the line after the <br /> element clear
height Specifies height of body and other elements height
hspace Specifies the amount of whitespace or padding that should appear left or right an element padding
language Specifies scripting language being used type
link Specifies the default color of all links in the document link
nowrap Prevents the text from wrapping within that table cell white-space
start Indicate at what number a browser should start numbering a list counter-reset
text Specifies color of body text color
type Specifies the type of list in <li> tag list-style-type
vlink Specify the color of visited links visited
vspace Specifies the amount of whitespace or padding that should appear above or below an element padding
width Specifies width of body and other elements width