

HTML Phrase Tags


<p>You <em>must</em> remember to close elements in XHTML.</p>


You must remember to close elements in XHTML.


<p>You <strong>must</strong> remember to close elements in XHTML.</p>

You must remember to close elements in XHTML.

<p>I have a friend called <abbr title="Abhishek">Abhy</abbr>.</p>

I have a friend called Abhy.

<p>This chapter covers marking up text in <acronym title="Extensible Hypertext Markup Language">XHTML</acronym>.</p>

This chapter covers marking up text in XHTML.

<p>This tutorial teaches you how mark up your documents for the web using <dfn>XHTML</dfn>.</p>

This tutorial teaches you how mark up your documents for the web using XHTML.

<p>The following description of XHTML is taken from the W3C Web site:</p>

<blockquote> XHTML 1.0 is the W3C's first Recommendation for XHTML, following on from earlier work on HTML 4.01, HTML 4.0, HTML 3.2 and HTML 2.0. </blockquote>

The following description of XHTML is taken from the W3C Web site:

XHTML 1.0 is the W3C's first Recommendation for XHTML, following on from earlier work on HTML 4.01, HTML 4.0, HTML 3.2 and HTML 2.0.

<p>The following description of XHTML is taken from the W3C Web site:</p>

<blockquote cite=""> XHTML 1.0 is the W3C's first Recommendation for XHTML, following on from earlier work on HTML 4.01, HTML 4.0, HTML 3.2 and HTML 2.0. </blockquote>

<p>Amit is in Spain, <q>He is their at my home. I think I am wrong</q>.</p>

Amit is in Spain, He is their at my home. I think I am wrong.

<p>This HTML Tutorial is derived from <cite>World Wide Web Standard for HTML</cite>.</p>

This HTML Tutorial is derived from World Wide Web Standard for HTML.

<h1> <code>This is inside code element</code></h1>

This is inside code element

<h1> <kbd>This is inside kbd element</kbd></h1>

This is inside kbd element



<p>Result produced by the program is <samp>Hello World</samp></p>

Result produced by the program is Hello World

<address>304, Menna Colony, Hyderabad - INDIA, 500032</address>

304, Menna Colony, Hyderabad - INDIA, 500032